Flower Power Creative - Your Universe

Beatles Forever


The recent release - to worldwide acclaim - of the Beatles Twin Box Sets (Stereo and Mono) further establishes the group and their music in the pantheon of 20th century creative expression, and - by now - as classical. 

As a new generation is introduced to the most sonically faithful versions of their songs - music and vocals presented at their very best - hundreds of millions who have loved and respected the Beatles for years are brought home once again to the mastery and magic that rocketed them to the top levels of respect, recognition, fame and fortune and has kept them there ever since. 

While the Beatles evolved from loveable pop stars to world-renowned studio artists, the fullest appreciation of the creative process - and for the audience - was a value that ran consistently through their oeuvre. 

The totality of their talent was such that their first film - " A Hard Days' Night " - was compared to the finest work of the Marx Brothers. " Help " dazzled with colour and a variety of locations (all around London, in the Bahamas and the Austrian Alps) and the extended-length " Yellow Submarine " cartoon was a surprise smash hit in an unusual medium. 

Their universal appeal arises from a unity of melody, rhythm and use of words that creates a whole infinitely greater than the sum of the parts. 

Though the arc of their years together - and number of albums produced - has long since been set , their music lives on in the company of the greatest composers, and their lyrics - as an expression of the fullest poetry and evolution of the English language - compare to Shakespeare. 

With so many aspects and elements of the Beatles creative energy and expression to explore, their work gives rise to infinite dialogue, insight and pleasure.


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