Hillary Clinton has ascended to the status of most powerful woman in the world. As she opens dialogues, builds bridges, mends fences and puts forth America's highest values and ideals as Secretary of State, she stands as an inspiration to women of all backgrounds and generations.
Following a noble, visionary effort at Health Care Reform as First Lady of The United States, Mrs. Clinton exploded on the world stage in a September, 1995 speech at The Fourth World Conference On Women in Beijing, arguing very forcefully against practices that lead to abuse of women in China and around the world.
In the late 1990's, Mrs. Clinton focused attention on the plight of women in Afghanistan, encouraged women's voices to be heard in the Northern Ireland Peace Process, and helped to create Vital Voices, an international initiative sponsored by the United States to promote the participation of women in the political processes of their countries - on a worldwide basis. She visited 79 countries, becoming the most travelled First Lady in history.
Weathering the storms of Whitewater and White House Travel Office investigations, her husband's infidelity with a White House intern - and his subsequent impeachment - Mrs. Clinton was seen by women as either being brave and strong in making a public commitment to the marriage (she expressed her fury privately) or as someone who should have walked. Beyond her "decades long" love of Bill Clinton, her marvelous bond with daughter Chelsea was a compelling factor in her determination to preserve the unity of her family.
Subsequent to the announcement (November,1998) by long-serving United States Senator Daniel Patrick Moynahan (Democrat of New York) that he would retire, Mrs. Clinton was urged to run for the open US Senate seat in 2000. Deciding to run, Mrs. Clinton bought a home - with her husband - in Chappaqua, a most attractive suburb that is an easy ride north of New York City. She became the first First Lady to run for elective office in American history, defeating her Republican opponent 55% to 43% on November 7, 2000. Mrs. Clinton's very successful campaign "Listening Tour" scheduled visits for her to nearly every County in New York State.
In her 8 years in the United States Senate (she was overwhelmingly elected to a second term on November 7, 2006 - by a margin of 67% to 31%), she served on the Budget, Armed Services, Environment and Public Works and Health, Education and Labour and Pension Committees - along with a Special Committee on Ageing. She is also a Commissioner of the Commission on Security and Cooperation in Europe.
Mrs. Clinton forged relationships with Senators of both parties, fought for fair treatment and compensation for New York after the cataclysm of 9/11, and helped to found The Centre for American Progress, Media Matters For America and a Democratic Senate "War Room" Office for daily political messages.