Flower Power Creative - Your Universe

Victor Vasarely - Graphics Extraordinaire Part I


Victor Vasarely is considered to be the father of Op Art - a school of Abstract Art that uses geometric shapes and brilliant colours to create illusions of motion and of 3 dimensions out of a 2-dimensional image.

Vasarely studied Medicine at Budapest University, but moved on to Traditional Art and Design  at the private Padolini-Volkman Academy (1927). He then enrolled in a Bauhaus-oriented Workshop (Muhely) that concentrated in Applied Graphic Art and Typographical Design (1928-1929). In 1930, he worked briefly at a ball-bearings company - in Accounting and in Design for advertising posters - before moving to Paris the same year. He worked at various Advertising Agencies in Paris (1930-1935).                          

Vasarely - as Picasso - developed his oeuvre over a number of creative phases : Early Graphics (1929-1944) - Experiments in textual effects, shadow and light - /  Les Fausses Routes/ "The Wrong Track"  (1944-1947) - Works in Cubistic, Futuristic, Symbolistic and Surrealistic Modes were of note, but Vasarely - despite praise as a Surrealist ("Imaginoire") - felt he still needed to find a unique style. - / Geometric Abstract - Op - Art (1947-1951) Vasarely comes into his own, hitting his stride with works inspired by such remarkable locales as a Metro station (for its white tiles), pebbles and shells (from the Breton Coast) and Cubic Houses on the Cote d'Azur. He cultivates the art of the Stereoscopic view.

Kinetic Images - /  Black/ White Photo Impressions (1951-1955) - Kinetic images - superimposed on acrylic glass panes - that appear to move as the viewer shifts viewpoint. One such work was placed at the University of Caracas (Venezuela), and Vasarely was presented with such legends as Alexander Calder and Man Ray in a show - titled "Le Mouvement" ("Motion") - at a Paris gallery. Vasarely publishes the "Yellow Manifest" - theorising that visual kinetics (Plastique Cineteque) relies on the perception of the viewer, who - playing with Optical Illusions - becomes the sole creator.



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